Bits and bobs
3:23 AM
Znate sve one male stvari koje su tako preslatke, a tako bespotrebne? Nekako, uvek ima nešto preče da se kupi pa sebe ubedite da možete i bez tufnaste sveske ili još jednog priveska za ključeve. I tako prođe godina.
E pa ja sam ovaj put rešila da batalim bitne stvari, iskoristim novogodišnje popuste i kupim baš te "neophodne" stvarčice koje uveseljavaju. Osim Zarinih sandala, ostalo su zaista sitnice koje su na popustima smešno koštale. A sandale su bile na 50% popusta. Ja to nazivam dobrom investicijom, slažete se?
Mene ove gluposti nekad više usrećuju od krupnih i konkretnih stvari. Ako ste i vi takvi, iskoristite ove dane popusta dok još uvek traju!
You know those little things that are not so useful but they are so cute? Somehow, there is always something more important to buy, and you convince yourself that dotted notebook is not your top priority at the moment. And the year passes by.
But, this time I've decided to forget on that "useful" things and to take advantage of New Year's discounts and buy those bits and bobs that make me happy. Except those Zara shoes, the rest are really small items that were practically next to nothing. And shoes, I call them a good investment (50% off), don't you agree?
I don't know about you, but sometimes those little things can make me more happier than bigger stuff. If you are like me, this is the time of the year for that kind of shopping! There are a few more discount days left, so go and use them!
Pink and gray vanity case: Women'secret
Sleeping mask: Women'secret
Nail case: No brand
Mini mouse ears: Disneyland
Shoes: Zara
Key chains: Vulkan bookstore
Dotted plate and cup: Chinese shop
Dotted plate and cup: Chinese shop
Wall paintings: Home center, mine, gifts
Notebook: Vulkan bookstore