Berlin in Belgrade
5:10 AMKao što ste mogli videti iz mog prethodnog teksta ovde, obožavam da pronalazim nova i specifična mesta u Beogradu. Da vas upoznam, ovo je Đura bar, nalazi se u starom delu grada - na Dorćolu, ulica Venizelosova 62.
Danas je jako teško napraviti nešto zaista drugačije s obzirom da se nova mesta otvaraju gotovo svakodnevno. E pa, zašto baš ovo mesto zasluzuje poseban post?
Prvo, privuklo me je ime, Đura. Upadljivo i kratko, smešno i netipično. Drugo, činjenica da neopisivo podseća na jedan od mojih omiljenih gradova - Berlin. Čitav u drvetu i ciglama, pun zanimljivih detalja. Ono što se meni posebno dopalo su ogromne slike okačene na svakom zidu. Treće, KAMIN! Mami te da uđeš, zavališ se u udobnu fotelju pored vatre i naručiš jednu od mnogobrojnih divnih kafa, kuvano vino ili toplu čokoladu (još ako napolju veje - milina). I četvrto, ko voli džez, evo gde treba da dolazi nedeljom!
Dakle, još jedna topla preporuka! Mesto za opuštanje i uživanje u zimskim danima! Uživajte!
As you could see from my previous text here, I adore looking for new places, different and specific ones, in Belgrade. And now, let me introduce Djura Bar which is situated in an old part of our city, Dorcol, 62 Venizelosova street.
It is difficult to make something really different as there are new places opening every day. And what is attractive with this one?
It is difficult to make something really different as there are new places opening every day. And what is attractive with this one?
Firstly, I was attracted by name. It is short, funny in Serbian language and non typical. Secondly, it reminds me of the city I like very much - Berlin. The whole place is made of bricks and wood and the pictures on each wall attract me enormously. Then there is a fireplace! It invites you to enter the cozy atmosphere, sit in a soft armchair beside the fire and have a cup of one of many delicious types of coffee ( I suppose it's very charming sipping hot coffee and watching snowflakes falling by the window). And last but not least, for all of you jazz fans out there, this is the right place to go on Sunday night.
So, here is my warm recommendation for these cold winter days! Enjoy!