Znate li šta se dobije kad spojite tri devojke i dva fotoaparata? Mnogo smeha, bezbroj uboda komaraca i jedan krpelj (naravno da sam ga ja „osvojila“).
Davno sam htela da pokrenem svoje online mesto koje bi prvenstveno bilo posvećeno modi, ali kako je vreme odmicalo i modni blogovi postajali sve popularniji i brojniji, nisam znala šta bih mogla da ponudim svojim potencijalnim čitaocima što već nisu videli. Otud se spontano stvorila ideja o YouTube kanalu koji bi pratio blog postove (bez raznoraznih tagova, vlogova, favouritesa itd – bolujem od sindroma „ja tako ne zvučim, to je neka greška“).
U prvom videu imate priliku da vidite kako kombinujem oksford cipele (jednu od kombinacija ste već videli ovde, a sad vam predstavljam druge dve, girly and boyish). Iako podsećaju na muške cipele, sa odgovarajućom odevnom kombinacijom možete ih načiniti i te kako ženstvenim. I da se razumemo, izuzimajući patike, trenutnu nemam udobniju obuću za jurcanje po gradu.
Do you know what you can get when you mix three girls and two cameras? Lots of laughs, countless mosquito bites and one tick (of course I won that special prize, thank you very much).
For some time now I wanted to create my own online place that was primarily devoted to fashion, but as time was passing by and fashion blogs have become more popular and numerous, I didn’t know what I could offer to the prospective reader that have not been seen before. Hence the idea of a YouTube channel has created spontaneously, in addition to blog posts (excluding various tags, vlogs, favorites, etc. – I suffer from the syndrome "Oh no, it’s not me on the video, do I really sound that awful?").
In the first video, you have a chance to see how I combine oxford shoes (one of the combinations in the video you have seen here, and now I present you the other two, girly and boyish). Although manly shoes can be a little bit intimidating to style, you can finally be super comfortable and look like a girl (sort of). I must emphasize, with the exception of sneakers, there are no more comfortable shoes for running around town.
Outfit no1
Shirt: Zara
Waistcoat: Zara
Jeans: Zara
Bag: C&A
Glasses: Zara Man
Outfit no2
Shirt: Pull&Bear
Skirt: Stradivarius
Knee high socks: H&M
Shoes: Pull&Bear
Photos by: Olga
Video by: Ena