Ako nečim Beograd može da se pohvali, to je svakako broj ugostiteljskih objekata. Od raznoraznih kafića, preko restorana, barova i pabova. Što nažalost dovodi do kvantiteta pre nego kvaliteta (čast izuzecima). Zato se svaki put oduševim kad vidim nešto zaista jedinstveno i originalno. Ok, možda udruživanje kafića i knjižare nije do sada neviđen koncept, ali ovako slatko mesto sigurno jeste.
Knjižara "Apropo" je jedno od onih mesta koje vam se svidi na prvi pogled. Od domaće mace koja nas je pozdravila čim smo ušle, preko lagane muzike do osećaja kao da smo ušle u nečiju biblioteku a ne knjižaru, zbog načina na koji su knjige poslagane na policama (a i činjenice da postoji po jedan primerak od svake). Ovde možete naći gomilu naslova na koje ne možete da nabasate u velikim lancima knjižara. A u okviru iste, krije se maleni kafić "Čajnik" (i još jedna preslatka maca).
Kao što i samo ime kaže, specijalizovani su se za čajeve (koje nažalost nisam probala) ali imaju i ponudu preukusnih kolačića (obavezno probati čokoladne). U prijatnoj atmosferi možete popiti čaj, čitati kupljenu knjigu i uživati u ambijentu. Toplo preporučujem ovo mesto kao knjižaru, ali i kao stanicu za predah. Obavezno svratite u Cara Lazara 10.
One of the things Belgrade can offer is certainly a number of various restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs. Which unfortunately often leads to quantity rather than quality. Therefore, I am thrilled every time when I come across something truly unique and original. Okay, perhaps mixing cafe and bookstore is not a groundbreaking concept, but this sweet place certainly is.
Bookstore "Apropo" is one of those "love at first sight" places. From domestic cat, who greeted us as soon as we stepped inside, over soft, relaxing music, to the feeling like we stepped into someone's library rather than a bookstore, (because of the way the books were stacked on the shelves and the fact that there is just one copy of each displayed). Here you can find a bunch of titles that you can not stumble upon in large bookstore chains. And within the bookstore, there is a tiny cafe "Cajnik (Teapot)" (and another sweet kitty).
As the name suggests, they specialize in teas (which unfortunately I did not try) but they also offer delicious cookies (chocolate one is mandatory). In a pleasant atmosphere you can drink tea, read the book and enjoy the ambiance. I highly recommend this place as a bookstore, as well as a quick stop for a break. Be sure to stop by this place if you find yourself in Belgrade (Cara Lazara 10 street).
One of the things Belgrade can offer is certainly a number of various restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs. Which unfortunately often leads to quantity rather than quality. Therefore, I am thrilled every time when I come across something truly unique and original. Okay, perhaps mixing cafe and bookstore is not a groundbreaking concept, but this sweet place certainly is.
Bookstore "Apropo" is one of those "love at first sight" places. From domestic cat, who greeted us as soon as we stepped inside, over soft, relaxing music, to the feeling like we stepped into someone's library rather than a bookstore, (because of the way the books were stacked on the shelves and the fact that there is just one copy of each displayed). Here you can find a bunch of titles that you can not stumble upon in large bookstore chains. And within the bookstore, there is a tiny cafe "Cajnik (Teapot)" (and another sweet kitty).
As the name suggests, they specialize in teas (which unfortunately I did not try) but they also offer delicious cookies (chocolate one is mandatory). In a pleasant atmosphere you can drink tea, read the book and enjoy the ambiance. I highly recommend this place as a bookstore, as well as a quick stop for a break. Be sure to stop by this place if you find yourself in Belgrade (Cara Lazara 10 street).
Cape: C&A
Turtleneck: Old
Pants: Bershka
Boots: Benetton
Hat: Bershka